Welcome!The Civil War Round Table of Chicago is a long-established non-profit membership organization that meets monthly from September through June. We present programming of interest to devotées of American Civil War history, support preservation of Civil War battle sites, and sponsor a very popular annual battlefield tour. Founded in 1940, The Civil War Round Table of Chicago was the very first of over 200 such Round Tables that now meet around the world. The Civil War Round Table of Chicago is dedicated to the study of all aspects of the American Civil War, bringing together those who wish to expand and share their knowledge, as we promote the interchange of ideas. The only requirement for membership is a genuine interest in the American Civil War and its era, sometimes referred to as “the middle period.” Our current membership stands at approximately 300, comprised of men and women from all walks of life, all age groups and all levels of knowledge. We attract members from throughout the entire metropolitan Chicago area, and we also have members from out of state. Through good scholarship and good fellowship, and by sharing a common interest, camaraderie has made it possible for our Round Table to flourish for nearly 80 years. Click here to access our Membership Application. Our monthly meetings are open to the public, members and non-members alike. We consistently feature distinguished speakers, most of whom enjoy a prominent national reputation. We typically meet the second Friday of each month. Click here to learn more and make a reservation. Battlefield preservation, to honor the memory of those who gave “the last full measure,” is among our most treasured activities.Click here for Battlefield Preservation Activities and Report. We publish a lively monthly newsletter full of information and announcements, including a recap of the preceding month’s speaker presentation. Click here to access our Newsletter Archives. Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please contact us. |